CloudLinux courses at CloudLinux University

I recently received an email notification about CloudLinux courses prepared by CloudLinux University.

The mail is more informational in nature, where the user’s opinion is still being researched. CloudLinux courses will definitely take off, but CloudLinux probably also wants to check what people think about it and if they would be interested.

Get notified when CloudLinux courses are available

If you are interested in receiving a notification about when CloudLinux University launches courses, visit this site and leave your email address to receive notifications when the course is ready:

What can you get with CloudLinux University

CloudLinux designed the E-Learning platform keeping in mind realistic scenarios that you will need in your future work. This is important in contrast to other platforms that often contain empty knowledge that cannot be applied.

CloudLinux University has designed an easy learning path, different levels of courses and knowledge quizzes that will help you master valuable knowledge through easy tasks.

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

Помажем људима да реше проблеме и да одаберу прави хостинг за свој сајт. Овде је моја радна биографија.

Пишем овде у слободно време.

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