Game of Thrones Fonts

If you follow what is happening in this popular series, you are probably attracted the attention of the
events planned for next season. I was able to look at the first four seasons for free as part of the promotional period on HBO’s MTS TV package, but after that I was tired of… frankly, to follow the series through Popcorn or Stremio, but not a word about it in this article.

If you are preparing article, news or just want to experiment with letters from Game of Thrones, you can do it easily with the help of Font Game of Thrones author Charlie Samways.

Font you can take on the page reached by a click on the following link: [symple_highlight color=”blue”]Game of Thrones Font Download[/symple_highlight]


This fonts set is used only uppercase letters of the alphabet and is free for personal use. About other features, read the link I put above and which leads to the download site.

Installation of this font is done as with any other type of font. If you want to get the logo of the series like the picture above, just type # (key: Shift + 3).

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

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