Stremio – Good alternative for Popcorn Time

A few months ago I wrote Popcorn Time – a better way to watch movies online – an article about this extraordinary usable program to perform precisely and only what is expected of it – watching movies. The text is now usable only for the purpose of memory.

If you use this popular program for watching movies over the Internet and monitor everything that happens around it, then you know that the project is held down, and finally choked off. Popcorn Time ceased to exist, but instead of Popcorn, the Butter is born in Butter Project. The new project will be legal, and will not be legally vulnerable (according to the people who develope it).

If you’re following them on Twitter, you could see the last publication:

Replacement for Popcorn Time

I can not say that I have a lot of time for movies, but occasionally I can found a couple of hours to watch movies. Then I like to have at hand a program that will allow me to do it easy. Since Popcorn is gone, and until it reaches Butter, I asked for a replacement.

The only thing I take into account is the program to watch movies online without a lot of unnecessary options. I hate to download movies, to take them off, packing, keep … So, the gadget similar to Popcorn Time would completely satisfy all the needs and desires.

I typed in a Google search of “popcorn time alternatives” and received an interesting offer. I tried a couple of programs and decided to hold Strimio.

Strimio – watch movies online

I decided to kept Stremio for the following reasons:

  1. Faster loading (not crucial but worth mentioning)
  2. Allows viewing and series, cartoons … even some TV channels
  3. Works only what you need and do not ask anything
  4. It has the option of caching (2 + GB and can be turned off)
  5. It has a description, IMDB rating and the ability to watch the trailers
  6. You can choose either SD or HD quality

Installation is easy. First, download the installation package here:

Packages are available for Linux, Windows and Mac. After installation it is enough to run the program, select the movie and the adventure can begin.

Current disadvantages

The website an official notification says:

„Hello everybody! Due to the overwhelming amount of new users, we’re in the process of upgrading our infrastructure, so keep in mind that some parts may not be working. Thank you!“

Unfortunately, there is no version for Android as Popcorn had. However, in the next few months, as they write at blog, mobile applications will be made.

Recommendation for a program to watch movies online?

Yes, definitely. Ask just how things stand on the legality of this program – Stremio stream movies that are on the torrent. If it is ethically acceptable for you, prepare popcorn, water, and treat yourself with a good movie or series.

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

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