Ubuntu AIO is now Linux AIO and becomes bigger

linuxaio-logoThe project that you have already read and which brought together all the main Ubuntu derivatives in a 4 GB disk size now becomes even bigger. Project run by AIO Team is now offering the following products:

  • Linux AIO Ubuntu
  • Linux AIO Linux Mint
  • Linux AIO Linux Mint “Debian”
  • Linux AIO Debian Live

It goes without saying that the work done by these great guys more than economical and saves both space and time. I’m sure all of you are trying on many distributions before you opt for one. Linux AIO project now provides you a disk with several leading Linux distribution that you can do to try before installation. The same discs you can use for the installation of the operating system, of course. Forget over several drives with different operating systems, many of which remain unused in their capacity or are eventually thrown away.

Do not forget the work that you have these guys easier and put you much more at your fingertips!

Linux All In One!

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

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