Linux on a laptop: long live the battery with TLP

Certain models of laptops have a problem with a short holding batteries od Linux. Of course, do not have this problem all the models, but a good portion of them have this problem because it is often retold, and seeking out solutions. I am among those who use mobile devices to any work, whether it be blogging, business, or just a waste of time and many things depend on the battery and its use. I have used many solutions, software, scripts, applications … just did not help.


Then I heard about the TLP, just a simple solution for laptop battery, easy, fast. This is one of those solutions that simply install and forget. This application itself detects whether it is connected to a power source or is an autonomous source (battery). then set the saving mode and adjusts processes and actions. Easy to install, first add a new software repository:

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp

then update the software information:

sudo apt-get update

and finally install:

sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw

Of course, this is the procedure for installing the TLP into Ubuntu, to install it on another system, see:

 And that would be enough, restart the computer and forget that you install anything.

Useful TLP commands:

To check the active settings of TLP just type in Terminal:

sudo tlp-stat

To ignore the fact that the laptop is  connected with power source(AC) and run mode as it is on the battery type in:

sudo tlp bat

To ignore the fact that the laptop is on battery and run mode as it is on the power source (AC) type in:

sudo tlp ac

Or find more of useful commands here:

My Experience

I have not conducted any specific research, but I can to figure out what happens when the battery that has so far lasted 2 hours, start to work up to 4 hours. Especially if it happens after installing this app. Another thing I noticed is the heating of the computer. Much less heat now with TLP. What most I can see is that this is a very good application. It can easily be adjusted further, but it does not have to if you do not have time to experiment. What comes with the installation will be enough that the battery lasts longer with less warming.

So if you ask me… I recommend!

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

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