How to install Stremio on Linux – free Netflix/HBO GO alternative

This is a tutorial on how to install Stremio on Linux. Obviously. If you love watching movies, series and shows online, this is the right app for you.

Speaking of which, what is Stremio?

Stremio is a free alternative to Netflix, HBO GO, and similar applications for watching movies and series online.

Stremio works by downloading movies and series from torrent sites and displaying (streaming) them live in the app.
So, you don’t need to download the movie (in full) to watch it, but the playback takes place during the download.

There is another similar, also free, application called popcorntime, but it seems to be having problems lately.

How to install Stremio on Debian, Ubuntu, MX Linux

To install Stremio on Linux you need to download the package here Stremio for linux.

Open the Terminal and go to Downloads folder:

cd Downloads

In case you have saved this package with the installation version of the Stremio package for Linux in another folder, then you do not go to Downloads, but to that other folder.

When we install Stremio, we get a dependency error that libfdk-aac1 is required. Install this missing as follows, first, download (wget) the required package:


Then install that package you downloaded:

sudo apt install ./libfdk-aac1_*_amd64.deb


sudo apt --fix-broken install

Install Stremio package on Linux (we already downloaded that package at the beginning):

sudo apt install ./stremio*amd64.deb

After that, search for the Stremio app among the apps and launch it. The show can begin.

Stremio problems after install on Ubuntu

In case you get this error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to install these packages as follows:

sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.1l-1ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libfdk-aac1_0.1.6-1_amd64.deb

Free Netflix and HBO alternative, but carefully

Stremio is a free alternative to Netflix and HBOGO services. Therefore, be careful if there is a regulation in your country that prohibits watching and downloading movies through torrent sites.

Netflix and HBO GO are paid services that charge their users for viewing movies, series and shows for the same purpose. This is why services like Stremio or Popcorn are pretty much blacklisted.

Be careful and check first if you are allowed to use a service like Stremio.

Author, Ivan Blagojević

Engineering Lead at Adriahost. I spend most of my time on Linux operating systems with cPanel/WHM panels.

I help people solve problems and choose the right hosting for their site.

I write here in my spare time.

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