~ $: pwd > убунту

pwd is a linux command that shows you what directory you’re in, now it tells you what tag you find

Упутство: Инсталација Убунту 23.10 и новији

Прво упутство за инсталацију Убунтуа написао сам пре око 15 година. Мислим да је то било упутство за инсталацију (К)Убунту 8.04. Временом ми је писање ових упутстава постала навика па на сваких пар година избацим по једно ново. Управо овде записао сам упутство за...

Get a list of most recently installed packages? MXLinux, Ubuntu

If you want to get a list of most recenty installed packages on MXLinux or Ubuntu, or Debian based OS, you can do it easily with the help of these notes that I wrote down here. These notes and commands will show you the packages you recently installed whether you used...

How to install Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04 server

How to install Nginx on Ubuntu is a guide to setting up Nginx on new Ubuntu server. Depending on your knowledge, you can apply this guide on a server where you may already have a working site. The only thing that matters is that you know exactly what you need to do...

First steps How to secure Ubuntu Server

Here's a note on how to secure Ubuntu 22.04 and boost server and site security. For the purposes of this tutorial, I used a VPS server purchased from Time4VPS at an extremely low price for only 1.2 euros per month 🙂 Time4VPS also has the best Black Friday deal right...

How to install Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 22.04 server

Some notes and thoughts on How to install Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 22.04 server. If you've read my previous article and installed WordPress on an Ubuntu server, you now need this article to ensure a secure connection on your site. If you've come this far, you probably...

How to install WordPress on Ubuntu server 2022

Here I will write a complete guide on how to install WordPress on Ubuntu server. For this purpose I will be using Ubuntu 22.04 and a VPS server that I rented specifically to prepare this tutorial. After this installation of WordPress on Ubuntu Server you will be able...