How to install DropBox on MX Linux XFCE

How to install DropBox on MX Linux XFCE

DropBox is an excellent service for storing and sharing files on the Internet. Installing DropBox on MX Linux can be done easily in just two steps. Yes, this means that you will...

How to make GIMP look like Photoshop

How to make GIMP look like Photoshop

GIMP is an excellent free program for advanced photo editing. It is similar to Photoshop in some details, but Photoshop is quite good in terms of interface design and in that...

~ $: pwd > Tutorials

pwd is a linux command that shows you what directory you’re in, now it tells you what category you’re in

How to find all files by extension in Linux

To find all files by extension in Linux can be useful for cleaning the site from harmful files and files with extensions that should not be in a certain folder. For example, if a...

@ivan:$ ~ uname -a

Blog about Linux by Ivan

Linux tutorials, Linux tricks, ideas, opinions, and my take on what we need to do in Linux to make our lives easier.

@ivan:$ ~ who

Linux dedicated user from 2009. Over 6 years in hosting. Over 30 years of life experience.

  • cPanel&WHM System Administrator (CWSA-1)
  • cPanel & WHM Administrator Certification (CWA)
  • cPanel Professional Certification (CPP) (CPPCERT)
  • cPanel & WHM Sales Professional (CPSP)
  • Imunify360 Certification Exam
  • LiteSpeed Certification

~ $: pwd > Tools&Apps

pwd is a linux command that shows you what directory you’re in, now it tells you what category you’re in

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~ $: pwd > Resources

pwd is a linux command that shows you what directory you’re in, now it tells you what category you’re in

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