All of us eventually find the best operating system we want to use. Linux is great because it gives a lot of freedom and a lot to choose between a wide range of distributions and their features, but if you do not find your taste within GNU can always be shut within...
Linux on a laptop: long live the battery with TLP
Certain models of laptops have a problem with a short holding batteries od Linux. Of course, do not have this problem all the models, but a good portion of them have this problem because it is often retold, and seeking out solutions. I am among those who use mobile...
Gathering of the international hacker community AKA BalCCon2k14
Balkan computer Congress Ok, this is such a friendly gathering of people who want to teach others, learn from many, and enjoyed a lot. More than international hacker community and totally different from the troupe without a goal. This is the second gathering in a row,...
All Ubuntu derivatives on a single disc? -Done!
Ubuntu AIO (all in one) DVD contains the main and most frequently used Ubuntu derivatives in one place. This project is packed by Milan Raja?i? (aka nihil_enochian) and Željko Popivoda (aka zpop) which we should all be grateful. I'm sure that many people have so far...
Openbox: With great power comes low hardware usage
It is likely that many who were touched Linux knows about Openbox. Otherwise, many do not know that Openbox is only a window manager. So it is not a standard environment such as KDE, Gnome, Xfce...Openbox is fast, stable, highly customizable, user-friendly, user...
How Apple has influenced in the design and shape of Ubuntu #1
This story begins at a time when Ubuntu is still using the old GNOME 2.x. We had, therefore, Ubuntu based on Debian with a custom kernel and default Gnome environment with all its amenities. For many who do not know, Gnome (and Ubuntu) then were much freer. What does...
Let the journey begin!
It is not easy to start this story. Although I have often thought about this in the last few years I’ve only just now found the time to set out on this journey. This trip will be easier than he had Bilbo Baggins, but will take place in a comfortable armchair and the...
Аутор: Иван Благојевић
Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.
Помажем људима да реше проблеме и да одаберу прави хостинг за свој сајт. Овде је моја радна биографија.
Пишем овде у слободно време.
Дина 2 и поново сам се вратио на читање књиге
Већ сам писао о првом делу филма о планети Аракис, познатој као Дина и да сам задовољан са оним што сам видео. Поред тога што сам читао књигу и гледао први филм из 1984. Искрен да будем, нисам очекивао да ће други део бити још бољи. Ако Вас занима мој први текст, овде...
Заступљеност култа храста међу староседеоцима Грчке, делови из књиге Грчки митови
Искрен да будем, и ја сам мислио да се ради о "велико-српској бајци" када год неко започне причу да смо заузимали територију од Средоземља до Балтика. Међутим, читао сам недавно Грчке митове од Роберта Гревса са идејом да се подсетим чега је све ту било и нашао сам...