Two helpful tips for buying a laptop

Here's a short and simple, yet efficient, guide to buying a laptop. So the idea is to buy what you want, that it is good and cheap. Otherwise, I do not like to write those "10-20 tips on how to buy a laptop" or "40 things you have to do something." I wrote two helpful...

WordPress: How to add icon in the menu

WordPress: How to add icon in the menu

You've probably seen that some sites have icons in the menu or text and icons are combined. You can easily add this yourself without using special addon. For the contact page, you can add letter, phone handset icon, or to add a box icon for the gift page. Here's how...

Ubuntu AIO is now Linux AIO and becomes bigger

The project that you have already read and which brought together all the main Ubuntu derivatives in a 4 GB disk size now becomes even bigger. Project run by AIO Team is now offering the following products: Linux AIO Ubuntu Linux AIO Linux Mint Linux AIO Linux Mint...

Good to know if you want to spread the word about Ubuntu

It's always good to know where you can find a large inventory of information about things that interest us and about which we want to write word about Ubuntu. If you want to write about the animals you will not come to this blog if you are looking for quality...

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

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Заступљеност култа храста међу староседеоцима Грчке, делови из књиге Грчки митови

Заступљеност култа храста међу староседеоцима Грчке, делови из књиге Грчки митови

Искрен да будем, и ја сам мислио да се ради о "велико-српској бајци" када год неко започне причу да смо заузимали територију од Средоземља до Балтика. Међутим, читао сам недавно Грчке митове од Роберта Гревса са идејом да се подсетим чега је све ту било и нашао сам...