How to record gif on Mac

How to record gif on Mac

Recording gifs on Mac (or any other system) is a great way to capture a screenshot or anything from a screen in motion pictures. The advantage over the video is that it does not take up much space and you do not need a video player - the gif is simply a moving image,...

Good programs for capturing GIF images for Ubuntu and Windows 10

Good programs for capturing GIF images for Ubuntu and Windows 10

I wrote here which two programs I use on Ubuntu and Windows systems to capture the screen in gif (.gif) moving images. In this way, you can record the screen and show certain actions on your computer, like when I write a manual or you can record some funny gif (go to...

Install Ubuntu 18.04 step by step

Install Ubuntu 18.04 step by step

This is the installation guide for how to install Ubuntu 18.04 operating system written step by step with the images and the explanations of each step for the installation. Instructions for installation of Ubuntu operating system are often not necessary because the...

How to install WordPress on CentOS 6 Server

How to install WordPress on CentOS 6 Server

This is a guide to preparing CentOS 6 Linux on the server so that WordPress can work on it. Wordpress on CentOS can work without cPanel, PHPMyAdmin, everything is done from the console, and you will eventually need an Internet browser to install WordPress and check if...

Enable free SSL certificate in cPanel for WordPress

Enable free SSL certificate in cPanel for WordPress

You can use free SSL certificate provided by cPanel and Comodo. You can enable it using simple steps explained in this tutorial. Of course, you need to have cPanel hosting with enabled AutoSSL function (newer versions of cPanel).  If your hosting provider did not...

How to install WordPress with Windows 10

In order to help you to install Wordpress with Windows 10, I wrote this manual. Even if you don't use Windows, you can use this manual to install Wordpress using any other operating system. To install Wordpress you need to understand the simple process for manual...

Photoshop for Beginners: Airbrush

Photoshop for Beginners: Airbrush

The faces of actors, photo models and models from magazines sometimes look perfect. The culprits are not creams and preparations, the culprit is some of the techniques of processing photos. About some of the techniques I have written, but you can find them in the menu...

Game of Thrones Fonts

If you follow what is happening in this popular series, you are probably attracted the attention of the events planned for next season. I was able to look at the first four seasons for free as part of the promotional period on HBO's MTS TV package, but after that I...

Stremio – Good alternative for Popcorn Time

A few months ago I wrote Popcorn Time - a better way to watch movies online - an article about this extraordinary usable program to perform precisely and only what is expected of it - watching movies. The text is now usable only for the purpose of memory. If you use...

Аутор: Иван Благојевић

Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.

Помажем људима да реше проблеме и да одаберу прави хостинг за свој сајт. Овде је моја радна биографија.

Пишем овде у слободно време.

Стари Срби нису умирали

Када кремо на море у Грчку, можда приметимо да на граничном прелазу са Македонијом пише Премин. Македонија, данашња Северна Македонија, је некада припадала територији која се дуго звала Стара Србија. Премин је прелаз, а преминути значи прећи, проћи. Дакле у нашем...

Дина 2 и поново сам се вратио на читање књиге

Дина 2 и поново сам се вратио на читање књиге

Већ сам писао о првом делу филма о планети Аракис, познатој као Дина и да сам задовољан са оним што сам видео. Поред тога што сам читао књигу и гледао први филм из 1984. Искрен да будем, нисам очекивао да ће други део бити још бољи. Ако Вас занима мој први текст, овде...