The blog section in the Divi theme does not have an option to place the featured image to the left in the Divi blog module. However, it can be adjusted manually and quite easily. The goal is to make the display in the Divi blog module look like this, for the featured...
The fastest way to select hair and delete the background of the image
The goal is the following: You have a photo from which the person with the hair (along with the hair) should be separated, the background should be deleted and possibly a new background should be set. The problem is that the hair is usually difficult to select,...
How to record gif on Mac
Recording gifs on Mac (or any other system) is a great way to capture a screenshot or anything from a screen in motion pictures. The advantage over the video is that it does not take up much space and you do not need a video player - the gif is simply a moving image,...
Good programs for capturing GIF images for Ubuntu and Windows 10
I wrote here which two programs I use on Ubuntu and Windows systems to capture the screen in gif (.gif) moving images. In this way, you can record the screen and show certain actions on your computer, like when I write a manual or you can record some funny gif (go to...
Two helpful tips for buying a laptop
Here's a short and simple, yet efficient, guide to buying a laptop. So the idea is to buy what you want, that it is good and cheap. Otherwise, I do not like to write those "10-20 tips on how to buy a laptop" or "40 things you have to do something." I wrote two helpful...
WordPress: How to add icon in the menu
You've probably seen that some sites have icons in the menu or text and icons are combined. You can easily add this yourself without using special addon. For the contact page, you can add letter, phone handset icon, or to add a box icon for the gift page. Here's how...
Solution for connection error prettify.css if you use Simple Code Highlighter
If you get the connection error for prettify.css when testing the site on (for example) Pingdom while using the Simple Code Highlighter plugin to display the code on the pages, try this solution that will save you a few seconds when loading the site. My site lost 2.35...
How to recognize a font from an image or a site
If you are in a graphic or web design, you make sites or you like to make nice headlines in Photoshop, you probably saw some good font somewhere and wondered how to check font. You can easily find out this if you ask the author, but while you wait for the answer, try...
How to add new string in Polylang
If you created a site in WordPress and added more languages using Polylang, you should now translate all the strings (words) that Polylang did not automatically register to be translated. Depending on how your theme is well made, Polylang does not register all words...
Аутор: Иван Благојевић
Радим као Engineering Lead у Адриахосту. Највише времена проводим на Линукс серверима.
Помажем људима да реше проблеме и да одаберу прави хостинг за свој сајт. Овде је моја радна биографија.
Пишем овде у слободно време.
Шта ако Бога нема…
Нема много правих атеиста, а расправе између оних који знају и оних који не знају за Бога, воде се са идејом да је Бог ту негде. Чак и они који тврде да Бога нема, тврде то више у порицању Њега, него са циљем да истрају у својој замисли, а ако крене по злу, рачунају...
Стари Срби нису умирали
Када кремо на море у Грчку, можда приметимо да на граничном прелазу са Македонијом пише Премин. Македонија, данашња Северна Македонија, је некада припадала територији која се дуго звала Стара Србија. Премин је прелаз, а преминути значи прећи, проћи. Дакле у нашем...